Please print your own copy of the agenda and review the 9 "attachments" to assist in cross-infection control!
Anyone calling in needs to do so AHEAD of time. We've asked that call-in or WebEx members get set up 15 minutes before the scheduled meeting time.
Advisory Council visitors are welcome; however, attendees must respect the CF Center at Stanford cross infection guidelines. Please do not attend if you have an active viral infection or any other contagious condition. If you have CF, keep three feet between yourself and others who have CF. Avoid shaking hands with others. Additionally, individuals with CF who have ever had a confirmed positive sputum culture for Burkholderia cepacia (B. cepacia) or who have cultured Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) within the past two years, or who are currently culturing a bacterium resistant to all antibiotics (pan resistant) may not attend our sessions in person due to the cross-infection risks to others with CF. If you would like to attend via WebEx conferencing, please contact Rosie Flores by email at at least 24 hours prior to meeting time. She will respond with information on how to participate.
The Cystic Fibrosis Adult Patient / Family Advisory Council Agenda
Meeting Date/Time: Wednesday, February 16th, 2011 from 5:00 – 7:00 P.M.
Advisory Council visitors are welcome; however, attendees must respect the CF Center at Stanford cross infection guidelines. Please do not attend if you have an active viral infection or any other contagious condition. If you have CF, keep three feet between yourself and others who have CF. Avoid shaking hands with others. Additionally, individuals with CF who have ever had a confirmed positive sputum culture for Burkholderia cepacia (B. cepacia) or who have cultured Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) within the past two years, or who are currently culturing a bacterium resistant to all antibiotics (pan resistant) may not attend our sessions in person due to the cross-infection risks to others with CF. If you would like to attend via WebEx conferencing, please contact Rosie Flores by email at at least 24 hours prior to meeting time. She will respond with information on how to participate.
The Cystic Fibrosis Adult Patient / Family Advisory Council Agenda
Meeting Date/Time: Wednesday, February 16th, 2011 from 5:00 – 7:00 P.M.
Location: Blake Wilbur Conference Room
CLOSED SESSION (5pm to 5:30pm)
A. Vote to revise bylaws to include all members in Closed Sessions (not just voting members)
CLOSED SESSION (5pm to 5:30pm)
A. Vote to revise bylaws to include all members in Closed Sessions (not just voting members)
B. Vote on New Member Applications per Colleen's Summary and Recommendations (see Colleen's email: "CF adult council applications")
C. Discuss Member Attendance Policy
- Vote on enforcing 80% Attendance Policy anew in 2011 (starting over in 2011 since 80% attendance re-approved at 1-19-2011 meeting)
- Add "members in attendance" "members not in attendance" section to minutes?
INTRODUCTORY REMARKS (starting 5:30pm)
1. Introduction of Council Members (if guests are present)
2. Introduction of Guests (if guests are present)
3. Cross Infection Control Guidelines Reminder – Colleen
4. Approval of Minutes from Previous Meeting:
5. Review of the responsibilities of each office (print file, bylaws: ) – Norma
- Discuss voting policy when it comes to CF families
(If the person with CF is not present, can the family member vote in their absence?)(If a member is absent, can they instruct their vote by proxy to another member?)
6. Adult CFAC Group identity: Facebook group presence? – Eric
7. Business card (print file: ) – Kriss
- vote to approve final business card file.
8. Update on Distribution of Inpatient and Clinic "We Want to Hear Your Voice" Flyers – Charlene and Rudy
- vote to approve new flyer versions with new logo, email address, and phone number (when current first version print runs out): (print files:
Hospital: ) - vote to approve new Email version: (print files: ), for use in response to questions or emails to stanfordCFAC gmail account
9. Update on Website (print file: ) – Kriss / Ann
- Ann has agreed to review website content for consistency and errors
- vote to approve this website version (with Ann's edits) to go live now (send now "incomplete"? Can be changed, added to, and revised going forward...)
10. Update on Hospital form "Help us, Help you" (print file: ) – Kriss
- envisioned 2 files available: 1 pdf to print out and fill out with pen and paper, 1 Word doc to download and fill out with Word (or other document editing program)
11. Bio staff/doctor questions – Ed
12. Create "New council member" folder committee
13. Summary of conversation w/ Dr. Weill about patient feedback (print file: ) – Kriss / Lori
- Dr. Weill passed our feedback on to the CF team as a whole and reported "The meeting with the team went well. We all appreciate the feedback. Also, we look forward to great participation in the upcoming Town Hall meeting."
- Adult Cystic Fibrosis Town Hall Meeting scheduled for:
The Evening of Monday, March 21st, 2011
Li Ka Shing Center for Learning and Knowledge
291 Campus Drive, Room 102
Masks and Hand Cleaners will be provided
14. Adult CF Center Return patient form (print file: ) – Kriss / Lori
15. WebEx attendance by default
15. WebEx attendance by default
- Rosie has agreed to have a list of ACFAC members that receive a WebEx invite each month by default (In other words, they do not have to request an invite each month. Instead you would only notify Rosie if you were NOT attending via WebEx).
Set date/time for next meeting – Wednesday, March 16, 2011