The idea for an Adult Cystic Fibrosis Advisory Council (ACFAC) was conceived by Dr. David Weill when he became involved in the care of adult cystic fibrosis patients in 2008. He had previously worked as Medical Director of the Lung Transplant Program at the University of Alabama at Birmingham where a CF advisory council had been established. Dr. Weill felt a similar council could be an asset to both the Stanford Medical Center (SMC) and adult CF community since a new CF adult clinic was being established at SMC.
Dr. Weill first presented this idea to the CF community at large at the 2009 Stanford Education Day. Over the next few months he met with interested members to explore the need for and interest in an advisory council. In the fall of 2009, at approximately the same time as the new CF adult clinic opened, the council became a reality as a group of 2 CF adults and 3 parents began the process of writing the ACFAC mission statement and bylaws and developing a brochure to introduce the CF community to the newly established council.