ACFAC Minutes - November 20, 2013
Members Present: Laura, Angel, Brian T., Ed, Elyse, Brian E., Ann, Jackie, Colleen, Richard, Amber
Members Absent: Jay
Guests Present: Caron, Siri
Council Votes: September minutes voted on and adopted
Tasks Assigned: Council members to decide whether or not he/she is interested in any officer roles. Open officer roles for the upcoming year are : Chairperson, Secretary, Membership Chair. The council will vote on the new officers in January.
Project Updates: CFRD project has concluded with implementation of the closed Facebook page and completion of the CFRD resource card. Discussion held regarding the importance of keeping the traffic up on the closed CF Facebook page
Other: Membership update as follows - Laura, Colleen and Amber resigning from the council. Reminder – No meeting in December.
Action Items (as read by vice-chair): Brian T. and Laura to write piece for CF newsletter, Laura to add a link for the Facebook page to the CFRD resource card, Richard to work with Caron on how to display info for CF patients on CF clinic days, Elyse will act as a "Facebook laison" helping to encourage traffic on the page, Laura to talk with Joan about the structure of the council, and Richard to connect with clinic staff regarding recruitment.