Tuesday, June 7, 2011

6-15-2011 Agenda

Please print your own copy of the agenda and review the "attachments" to assist in cross-infection control! 

Anyone calling in needs to do so AHEAD of time. We've asked that call-in or WebEx members get set up 10 minutes before the scheduled meeting time. 

Advisory Council visitors are welcome; however, attendees must respect the CF Center at Stanford cross infection guidelines. Please do not attend if you have an active viral infection or any other contagious condition. If you have CF, keep three feet between yourself and others who have CF. Avoid shaking hands with others. Additionally, individuals with CF who have ever had a confirmed positive sputum culture for Burkholderia cepacia (B. cepacia) or who have cultured Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) within the past two years, or who are currently culturing a bacterium resistant to all antibiotics (pan resistant) may not attend our sessions in person due to the cross-infection risks to others with CF. Please see the "To attend this meeting via WebEx" section at the bottom of this agenda if you wish to attend this month's meeting via WebEx.

The Stanford Adult Cystic Fibrosis Advisory Council Agenda
Meeting Date/Time: Wednesday, June 15th, 2011 from 5:00 – 7:00 P.M.
Location: Blake Wilbur Conference Room

  1. Council Attendance
    VOTE: Each member responsible for flagging any errors in their attendance notation on each meeting minutes? In other words, when the previous month's meeting minutes are approved without objection, we are all approving the attendance listed at the top is indeed accurate?
    VOTE: Allow "excused absences"?
    If so, how many are allowed in a year? Does an excused absence require a certain amount of notice (hours or days before meeting)? Does an excused absence require voting instructions in writing (so the absence will not affect our ability to accomplish things and vote)?
  2. Introducing, New Advanced Lung Disease Clinic – Renetta
    - starting June 20th, 2011
    - location 1st floor Rm. A175 
  3. Advising the CF Clinic
     -  update: research team doctoring vs. individual doctoring, statistics for patient outcomes – Laura
     -  review: appeal process for CF center patient decisions – Ann
  4. Reaching out to the whole Stanford Adult CF Population
      - update on progress with CF feedback questionnaire at clinic  – Meg (Colleen, Renetta)
     - add question about "why don't you attend CF events? (ie timing, not informed, not enough notice, not interested in topic, etc.) 
  5. Update: Member anniversary date – Erika
  6. New council member "folder" combined with Council resource page – Completed
     - see new link on right side of this meeting blog   -->
     - and find the page here: http://cfacmeetings.blogspot.com/p/stanford-acfac-resource-page.html
  7. Bio staff/doctor questions – Ed (Erika, etc) (review file: https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0B7WrtjnOi5wMZmVjNmUxZDYtMDY5Ni00MjJkLTgxMWUtZTFlZWI4MWU1NDFj&hl=en_US&authkey=CMb46ZoF)
  8. ACFAC Website up:
     - all members please re-proof at: http://cfcenter.stanford.edu/acfac/
    - new member bios will be added soon
    - website revision manager is Jay. Please submit changes to Jay for June edits.
  9. Distribution of Hospital form "Help us, Help you" – Eric (Rudy)
    - posted and available here (2nd bullet): http://cfcenter.stanford.edu/acfac/links.html
    - note: Kriss still needs to add massage question and form URL note to online form files 
  10. Bylaw revisions - Laura 
  11. FYI: New Cystic Fibrosis Caregivers Support Group
    Tuesdays, starting July 5th 2011; 6:00 to 7:30pm
    See Flyer with information here: https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=true&srcid=0B7WrtjnOi5wMYjFmZWZhYjUtOTA5Ny00NGNkLWIwMzAtNjY4NDI1MDkxNzI5&hl=en_US&authkey=CJap8F4
Set date/time for next meeting – Wednesday, July 20th, 2011

To attend this meeting via WebEx:
To join the online meeting (Now from mobile devices!)
1. Go to https://stanfordmed.webex.com/stanfordmed/j.php?ED=155182997&UID=1192897867&PW=NZmU0MjIxZjk2&RT=MiM0
2. If requested, enter your name and email address.
3. If a password is required, enter the meeting password: june
4. Click "Join".

To view in other time zones or languages, please click the link:

To join the audio conference only
To receive a call back, provide your phone number when you join the meeting, or call the number below and enter the access code.
Call-in toll-free number (US/Canada): 1-877-669-3239
Call-in toll number (US/Canada): +1-408-600-3600
Global call-in numbers: https://stanfordmed.webex.com/stanfordmed/globalcallin.php?serviceType=MC&ED=155182997&tollFree=1
Toll-free dialing restrictions: http://www.webex.com/pdf/tollfree_restrictions.pdf

Access code:800 570 254 

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