Thursday, February 2, 2012

1-18-2012 Meeting Minutes

CF Adult Advisory Council Meeting Minutes 1/18/2012




Council Members:  Colleen, Jay , Ed, Lauren , Laura , Erika , Ann , Kriss , Jackie  


Guests: Zoe


Absent: Elyse, Eric


Council Business


1.     Members encouraged to participate actively in council such as reading agenda and coming prepared to meetings.  Council membership roster to be updated.

2.     - Elections held for the following officer roles: Secretary, Membership Chairperson, Vice Chairperson and Chairperson.  The responsibilities of each role were described and the council voted in new officers as follows: Jackie  elected to Secretary role, Colleen re-elected to Membership Chairperson, Kriss elected to Vice Chairperson, and Laura elected to Chairperson.   

- Council discussion regarding process once the 2-year term is up for general membership.  It was decided by the council to add responsibilities to secretary and membership chairperson roles with wording to be approved at next meeting in which by-laws are approved.

- It was voted on by the council to add a new officer role, Website Revision Manager.  Jay elected to this position and responsibilities will be added to bylaws and voted on for approval at next council meeting.

3.     Eric W. still in process of working with clinic to improve communication and provide hard copies of requested follow-up.  Details to be shared at next council meeting.

4.     The council was asked to provide feedback to the pediatric advisory council regarding the transitional process from the pediatric clinic to the adult clinic.  A brainstorming session was held, the information will be organized by Colleen and provided at next meeting, then submitted to the pediatric advisory council.

5.     The council discussed the 2 checklists to be put on the tabs on the Adult CF Website.  Discussion was held to modify content.  The "Sick Call How-To" will be sent to the clinic nurse for further review and the "Hospital Admission Packing List" to be further clarified. 

6.     Colleen / Laura received response from 3 clinic team members on the "Get To Know the Team" questionnaire.   After council discussion, the responses will be added to the next agenda,  more team members will been encouraged to fill out questionnaire for submission to the Adult CF Website.

7.     Lauren to email the completed CF Mentor Survey to Dr. Mohabir to approve and forward to Meg. 


Open Discussion / New Business

1.     We want to hear your voice flyers no longer available on the unit and difficult to find in clinic.  Ed and Laura to contact Eric W. to determine contact person on inpatient unit and ensure no modification needs to be made to the form given new management .

2.     Stanford holds an advisory council meeting for advisory councils.  Laura to provide information at next meeting regarding date / time of meeting so that interested members can attend. 

3.     Discussion held regarding updating of the council website.  Wording will be added to Website Revision Manager role to include this as a responsibility to ensure that the website is up to date.


Next council meeting set for Wednesday, February 15th, 5-7 pm.









  1. Glad to know folks "out there" are reading the blog. Are you an adult CF patient, caregiver, or other?

    - Laura, Adult CF Advisory Council chairperson
