June 20th, 2012 ACFAC Meeting Minutes
Members Present: Colleen, Ann, Ed, Elyse, Eric M., Kriss, Erika, Jackie
Guests Present: Rosie, Zoe
Members Absent: Lauren, Laura, Jay
- May meeting minutes approved.
- The mandatory Stanford Hospital volunteer orientation sessions as follows: June 22nd, 2012 from 1p-5p and June 28th , 2012 from 530p to 930p. The orientations will be held in the nursing administration conference room, H0105, ground floor. Please let Laura or Kriss know if you will be attending. There was a question if the meetings will be available via WebEx, Kriss or Laura to follow up regarding that issue, as well as any repercussions if a member cannot attend either session.
- Update regarding the Peer2Peer program: Lauren still working with Joan for the initial training and set-up of the program. More information to come at next month's meeting.
- Discussion held regarding the ACFAC direction and goals, with focus this month on outreach to the Stanford Adult CF community. Ideas included: focusing more on "word of mouth", instead of mailers or written communication; use of social networking, specifically, Facebook; including information in the Stanford CF newsletter; using business cards; holding an event to raise awareness; inquiring about having a table at CF-related events in the area, CFRI, for example; and drawing people in by increasing awareness about current council projects. The council decided to begin with using Facebook, Elyse will work with Cathy H. to routinely use the Stanford CF Center Facebook page to provide information about the council. Information to be provided includes announcing the meeting date / time, and a description of the council to increase awareness. Members encouraged to brainstorm for next month about goals and projects for the council.
- The council also discussed methods of outreach and communication that have been successful in the past. Some members felt the "town hall" style meeting that was held was not successful, in that few from the CF community attended, but helpful to those who did attend. Also discussed was revisiting the quarterly feedback meetings with clinic staff, however, it was decided that the council currently does not have feedback to provide. Also discussed was the time of the meetings and whether or not this limits people from being able to attend. However, it was also discussed that holding the meeting earlier or later would reduce the ability of clinic staff to attend the meetings.
- The new member application for this month was not received, voting will be postponed until next month. Reminder provided that voting on new members is held in a closed session, usually at the beginning of the meeting.
- Kriss announced her resignation effective after the July 2012 meeting, Erica announced her resignation effective after the June meeting. Discussion to be held next month regarding the vice chairperson vacancy. Also discussed was that the bylaws state the minimum number of members must be 9, at the end of the July meeting, the council will be at this minimum.
- No discussion regarding clinic operations.
- Reminders: The CFRI conference will be held July 27th , 2012 thru July 29th, , 2012. For more information, please visit http://www.cfri.org/formconfreg2012.shtml. The CFRI retreat will be held July 29th, 2012 thru August 5th , 2012. For more information, please visit http://www.cfri.org/2012Retreat.shtml
- Next meeting: Wednesday, July 18th, 2012 5p – 7p.
June Action Items
- All: Please consider "Like-ing" the Stanford CF Center page on Facebook
- All: Brainstorm ideas for new projects, new goals and continued outreach
- All: Please let Laura / Kriss know if you will be attending the hospital volunteer orientation.
- Elyse to contact Laura regarding the WebEx links for the ACFAC meetings to post on the Stanford CF Center Facebook page
- Kriss to forward a "blurb" to Elyse about the ACFAC description to include on the Stanford CF Center Facebook page
- Laura / Kriss to continue to try and get more information on the Stanford hospital volunteer orientation dates / times, and WebEx availability
- Kriss to investigate getting buttons for the members of the council who will be attending the CFRI conference / retreat
- Eric M to write short "blurb" for the upcoming Stanford CF Center newsletter. This can be presented / discussed at next meeting for final approval