Sunday, June 3, 2012

5-16-2012 Meeting Minutes

ACFAC Meeting Minutes – May 16th, 2012                     


Members Present: Kriss, Laura, Erika, Colleen, Ed, Jay, Lauren, Elyse, Ann, Jackie


Members Absent: Eric M.


Guests Present: Kathy, Rosie, Zoe


  1. April minutes approved.
  2. Discussion was held regarding how the Stanford Patient Advisory Council (PAC) can help our council to resolve difficult issues, and that if the ACFAC has an issue that cannot be resolved, the Stanford PAC is available as a resource.  The council decided to add an agenda item entitled "Clinic Operations" to allow comments, concerns, etc. to be addressed in the presence of clinic staff, yet retain anonymity.  Council members that would like a comment, concern, etc. brought to the council anonymously can send it to the chairperson to put under this agenda item  
  3. Members of the ACFAC are considered volunteers of the hospital.  As a result, members are asked to attend the hospital orientation for volunteers.  There will be two days this is held with various times.  Laura will pass along the specifics as she receives them. 
  4. Members have been contacting Lauren regarding being mentors for the Peer2Peer program.  Any further questions or interest should be directed to Lauren.  The program is slated to begin with the training sessions in June/July and more information to follow.  Current members who are interested in becoming mentors are Lauren, Laura, Jay, Elyse and Kriss.  News of the program was also included in the CF center newsletter.
  5. Kriss has updated the ACFAC resource page with the new bylaws and the new flyer.  The correct flyer is now on the ACFAC tab on the Stanford CF center website. 
  6. Most of the CF team members have completed the "Get to know your team" questionnaire.  One more email invitation to fill out the questionnaire will be sent to the remaining members.
  7. Discussion held regarding the council's direction and goals for the upcoming year.  The plan for next month will be to discuss outreach more in-depth, once members have the opportunity to think of ideas. The plan for July will be to set council goals and direction.
  8. The next meeting is set for Wednesday, June 20th 5pm to 7pm.


May Action Items:


  1. ALL - Please remember upcoming mandatory orientation for hospital volunteers (which includes all ACFAC members) in late June, and in early July
  2. Laura - Add PAC discussion or clinic operation discussion agenda item early in upcoming agendas
  3. Lauren - Add Elyse and Jay to her mentor list
  4. ALL - Brainstorm ideas for setting council goals for our July meeting
  5. ALL - Brainstorm ideas for council outreach for our June meeting
  6. Jay - Coordinate with pediatric council to attend some meetings
  7. ALL - If you have specific issues with clinic operations, email the chairperson




1 comment:

  1. Great job, Jackie, at synthesizing all the various things that went on at this meeting!

