ACFAC 02-23-2016
Members Present: Brian, Jay, Devin, Linda, Colleen, Angel, Shawn, Ed, Monica
Guests: Ronnie, Jennifer
January Minutes Adopted
A. Patient Survey: Brian is working on a patient survey to capture additional information of how patients feel the patient experience can be improved. Jay volunteered to help design the survey.
B.Virtual Clinic Proposal / Online Collaboration: Follow up next meeting
C. CF Encounters: Devin emailed Jennifer and Julian the CF Encounters Project. Ronnie mentioned the CF Encounters Project was passed around during the CF Clinics monthly meeting. The CF Team is working on incorporating the project into the CF Ed Day for the clinic on March 8th. Devin also reached out to Zoe regarding the CF Encounters insert into the Newsletter. Devin will work on a paragraph to go into the next Newsletter.
D. Informational Sheet On Masks: Devin is working on editing. After editing is complete he will reach out to the clinic for validation.
E. Issue Management Decision Tree Brochure: Outpatient Brochure is printed out and ready to be delivered to clinic. Angel will drop off brochures to the clinic Wednesday February 24th. Meg and Joan received the document via email. Angel will post on the Patient Only Facebook Page.
F. Coordinating with CFF and External Clinic Development: Shawn shared the group is waiting to hear back from 2 out of the 4 invitations. Once approved Shawn will be working with patients helping them communicate with doctors, nurses patients. Right now they are trying to get people excited about it.
G. RPQ Form / MyHealth: Jay emailed the RPQ Form to Christian to be apart of MyHealth. Christian will contact us once they get further along .
H. Clinic Patient Opportunities: Angel will follow up with Elika regarding which medicines aren't available during a hospitalization and what the process should be for patients when using their own medications from home.
I. Pins / Name Badge Council Members: Jay shared the council has to use the Stanford Hospital Volunteer Badges for ID. Jennifer suggested adding a ribbon tag behind the name badge. Jennifer will send Jay a picture of the ribbon that is currently being used by staff members. Jay will collaborate with Mary about adding our logo to the ribbon for our name badges.
Action Items:
Devin: Feedback from the clinic CF ED Day March 8th CF Encounters Project.
Angel: Post Decision Tree Brochure to Patient Only Facebook Page
Angel: Follow up with Elika regarding which medicines aren't available during a hospitalization and what the process should be for patients when using their own medications from home.
Jay: Update on Council Name Badge Ribbon
Meeting called to a close at 5:50pm.
Next Meeting March 22, 2016
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