ACFAC December 19th Meeting Minutes
Members present: Laura, Lauren, Elyse, Ed, Jay, Ann, Brian T., Richard, Colleen
Members absent: Jackie, Brian E.
Guests present: Rosie, Eric
- November minutes approved.
- Introduction of our newest member, Brian T.
- Fundraising campaign: "Have a heart, help us out" update by Ann and Elyse. They presented their timeline: Letter to be mailed by Feb 7th, 2013. Discussed were issues concerning what mailing list will be used, if a suggested amount should be included on the letter and how the council feels about "asking for money." Ultimately it was concluded that mailing out the letter will be optional for each member. It was restated why fundraising for this particular issue is important to the council and its goals: that the clinic expressed that it would be helpful to have an additional 5,000 dollars to aid the travel expenses (gas cards, hotel vouchers, taxis) of target patients. Another issue brought up was whether this fundraising endeavor will be annual. As of now, it was decided that the fundraising effort is a trial run, with the possibility of it being an annual event. If it is successful (in raising the money AND improving attendance), the council will decide next year to do it again.
- The council approved the "Have a heart, help us out" letter, budget, and timeline. The color option was chosen and $469.00 was budgeted towards it.
- Laura presented the ongoing research by Richard, Brian E., and herself into transportation to clinic. She is going to talk to Meg about what format would be best to present the information collected. Then she will bring it back to the council for approval.
- We had a quiz on the official council webpage. We... did alright.
- Discussion was held regarding adding photos the council member bios on our webpage. The council will have an electronic vote and talk about it next meeting.
- Elyse, Lauren and Jay discussed the Peer2Peer program. All have been matched with mentees. Also, there is an extended training session on the 14th.
Action items:
- All: Decide if you would like to participate in the fundraiser and contact colleen to "order" letters.
- Laura: Talk to Meg about the best format to present the transportation information.
- All: Decide on photos
- Lauren/Laura: Newsletter blurb on the Peer2Peer Program
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