Tuesday, May 1, 2012

4-18-2012 Meeting Minutes

ACFAC Meeting Minutes – April 18th, 2012


Members Present:  Laura, Kriss, Colleen, Ann, Jay, Lauren, Elyse, Erika, Jackie

Members Absent: Ed, Eric M


Guests Present: Jocelyn, Kathy, Zoe, Sydney, Rosie, Siri, Joan, Dr. Mohabir

  1. January meeting minutes approved, February meeting minutes approved.  Answers were given for Laura's Ed day Quiz.
  2.  Presentation from Joan Forte, Director of Patient Care Services, entitled " Partnering with Patients, Patient and Family Centered Care Programs at Stanford."  Please click on link for presentation. https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=gmail&attid=0.1&thid=136d50524bf67890&mt=application/vnd.ms-powerpoint&url=https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui%3D2%26ik%3D9ab638220c%26view%3Datt%26th%3D136d50524bf67890%26attid%3D0.1%26disp%3Dsafe%26zw&sig=AHIEtbQZzheWPLxQ3TMciObVOmEY72TOpA&pli=1  Also discussed was the planned roll-out for the CF Mentor / Peer-to-Peer program.  It will begin with a pilot program with 4 volunteer mentors initially.  The pilot will be 6 months.  Further details, such as method of contact, frequency of contact, and a training program for becoming a mentor are still being discussed.  Those council members interested in being a mentor should contact Lauren.
  3. The new "We want to hear your voice" flyer has been posted on the ACFAC website.  Laura reported that per Ed, the process on the inpatient side has been fixed, the floor managers are now aware of where the flyers are to be stored.  In addition, the updated bylaws are now posted on the ACFAC website as well.
  4. Discussion occurred regarding members providing input and feedback, especially when clinic staff give presentations. 
  5. Laura provided several updates and reminders.

a.     Laura attended most recent CORE PAC meeting (Stanford's Advisory Council for patient advisory councils).  Notes included a discussion of the pros / cons of WebEx use, the recent accreditation of Stanford as a MAGNET hospital for nurses, and the implementation of multidisciplinary team rounds.  The council discussed that this appears to be already happening with the CF team, but Laura reports this is one of the hospital-wide goals.

b.     For the "Get to Know the Team" questionnaires, most team members have filled out the responses which are now posted on the Stanford CF Center website under the "Adult" tab (not the Advisory Council Adult tab.)

c.      Laura provided reminder that there are 2 separate tabs on the CF Center Website; the Adult tab and the Advisory Council tab with the drop-down for the Adult Council.  Please be sure to be clear when referring to each in documents and discussions.

Next meeting set for Wednesday, May 16th from 5-7 pm.


April action items:


  1. Kriss:  Ask Laura to include link to the council flyer on next agenda http://cfcenter.stanford.edu/acfac/documents/CFAC-flyer-ONE-4-18-2012.pdf) reminder that our new member / resource page is is: http://cfacmeetings.blogspot.com/p/stanford-acfac-resource-page.html
  2. Jay:  To follow up on website flyer and bylaw links, and the council not showing up under the teen tab
  3. Colleen: To touch base with Dr. Mohabir on the "Get to Know the Team" questionnaire progress 
  4. Laura: Report to the Core Pac meeting regarding the value of WebEx due to geography
  5.  ALL:  Look for agenda topics with staff and prepare individual thoughts
  6. ALL:  Consider being a part of the pilot mentor / peer program.  Contact Lauren with questions or if interested in volunteering.







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