Monday, July 23, 2012

7-18-2012 ACFAC Meeting Minutes

ACFAC Meeting Minutes – July 18th, 2012                     


Members Present: Laura, Lauren, Colleen, Ed, Kriss, Elyse, Ann, Jackie


Members Absent: Eric M., Jay


Guests Present: Zoe, Eric W.


  1. June minutes approved.
  2. Information provided regarding the content of the mandatory hospital orientation for volunteers.  Lauren was able to attend the June orientation, and reported that the orientation was helpful in understanding how the ACFAC fits into the hospital and its goals.  It provided information relevant and practical to the patient advisory councils.
  3. The next volunteer orientation will be held in the Blake Wilbur conference room, the room in which the ACFAC meetings are held.  Since the orientation is 4 hours long, it will be split up into 2 sessions, the first being Wed August 15th from 5-7p and the second being August 29th from 5-7p.
  4. It was brought up that current new patients to the Adult CF clinic receive a new patient folder, and in that folder is an old and outdated brochure about the ACFAC.  Currently, there is no contact information.  The council discussed and agreed upon replacing the brochure with the ACFAC flyer and business card. It was also agreed upon by the council to request that the clinic remove the brochure from any other areas it is being used, as it is outdated.
  5. Lauren provided an update regarding the Peer2Peer mentoring program.  The launch date is slated for September 1st , 2012 and it will commence with the training of the mentors.  By this date, the goal is to have the specifics known such as WebEx capabilities, time commitment, mentor responsibilities and these will be discussed with the prospective mentors in the training sessions.  Also discussed is that while Meg will be the person matching mentors/mentees, that the supervising social worker for the program will not be affiliated with the CF center.
  6. Elyse has been in contact with Cathy H. to continue to provide updates regarding the ACFAC via the CF Center at Stanford's Facebook page.  The goal will be to start using Facebook to increase awareness of the council and it's programs, such as the Perr2Peer Program, meetings, accomplishments, etc. 
  7. Kriss was able to discuss with CFRI the possibility of either having a table, or using the CFRI table to increase awareness of the ACFAC.  It was voted on by the council to use the CFRI table instead of our own table.  The council will provide flyers and business cards for "take-aways."  ACFAC members attending the council will also have "Ask Me" buttons
  8. It was discussed for future events, to hold a small drawing or raffle, or ask participants of these events to provide the council with contact information, such as email or phone number to improve outreach and awareness of the ACFAC in the CF community, especially those that are patients or family members of patients at Stanford.
  9. Discussion also held regarding ideas for further goals and projects for the council.  Ideas included: Sponsoring events (forums, talks) or items at clinic (such as the cups for coffee / water, pen/pad of paper to ask questions) to increase the awareness of the ACFAC.  The council discussed the list that had been compiled when the council was formed and determined that many of the "goals" had been accomplished.  Discussion of council goals and projects to continue at the September meeting.
  10. Discussion held regarding the opening for the vice-chairperson position.  Current members to think about the position and discussion regarding election to be held at September meeting.  Kriss agreed to continue as a voting member and Vice Chairperson until September 1st.    After that, Kriss offered and council agreed that she will stay on as an advisor/graphic designer.
  11. It was voted on and approved to have an "offline" or internet vote should new member applications be received as the August meeting will be for the orientation.
  12. Jay was unable to attend the last pediatric council meeting.
  13. Next meeting set for Wednesday, August 15th 2012.  Since it will be the orientation, those who have attended the orientation or are excused from it are excused from the meeting.


July Action items:


  1. Kriss: Send first newsletter blurb as an example to Jackie
  2. Jackie: Send blurb to Zoe for newsletter by July 27th
  3. Laura: Remember for the next agenda to include council marketing brainstorming "something you can use"
  4. Kriss: Notify CFRI of council wishes at CFRI table with flyers and business cards (note tablets?)
  5. Kriss: Design a 1/4 page tablet design to send to Laura for CFRI retreat
Laura to get 1/4 page tablets printed, give to Kriss at conference
Kriss to bring tablets to retreat
  6. CFRI conference needs: 100 flyers, 50 business cards
Kriss to make sure Laura has everything she needs to get these printed
Laura to ensure these flyers and business cards are printed by the CFRI conference
Kriss to bring whatever is left over to CFRI retreat
  7. Elyse: Announce mentor program on Facebook
  8. Ed: Ask Kathy Gesley to remove brochures from new patient folder and to put council flyer in folder instead. Also ask Kathy to remove council brochure from everywhere
  9. Eric Williams: Reserve our conference room for August 29th
  10. Laura: Notify Joan of potential cross-infection between CF patients and other populations for orientation meetings' invited guests
  11. ALL: An internet vote was approved for a new member application. Please expect this vote and respond to it.
  12. Laura: Review council bylaws and email policy
  13. Jackie: Move Kriss' contact info on the council directory to the advisor section





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